Google Ads: How Does It Work? Everything You Need to Know

Shubhrika Dogra
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2020


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Digital presence of businesses is the single most important aspect of a business’ impact on the market. How it works is important to understand for people who’d like to leverage the effectiveness of Google Ads. The easiest way to find answers for people today is through Google Search. It is the one stop solution for all problems faced by people today.

Lets take a look at the following topics of understanding:

How Google Works?
What is Google Ads?
How do Google Ads work?
Why Google Ads is the Right Thing to do?

How Does Google Work?

Firstly, to understand how Google Ads work, it is important to understand how Google works. Google Ads used to be known as Google Adwords initially however, they eventually changed the name as well as the logo to be known as Google Ads.

Searches on Google start with a person, a query, a basic concern in a human’s mind. People go to Google today, to get their answers. Every problem has a solution available online. The web is a problem-solving machine and Google is the master of that web.

It starts with a person, a question, a pain point, a need for an answer. This pain point is what your business can solve. This is how businesses can use Google Ads — by showing their business or their product/service to be an answer for their target customer’s pain point.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads gives businesses an opportunity to showcase their presence through a paid platform. Google Ads enable you to accelerate your results by displaying the paid results at the top of the search results. While organic results are also extremely important, the advantage with Google Ads is that the Google displays the paid ad results above the organic results as well.

Google displays two kinds of results for every search — Organic and Inorganic. The organic results can be displayed with high quality content and a lot of links pointing towards a business’ website. These two things are important to rank well organically on the Google search results page.

Photo by Daniel Romero on Unsplash

How Does Google Ads Work?

Google Ads offers multiple ways to leverage the platform to businesses. Many areas of the market and target audience can be focused and narrowed down using the demographic information of the viewers. The areas that businesses can focus on while building a Google Ad are:

  • Geography
  • Time Zone
  • Device Used by the Viewers

Using these demographic specifications is extremely helpful for businesses because they help to reduce the specific audience. Google charges money from the businesses only when the potential buyers or viewers click on the ads. Google does not charge the businesses simply for displaying the ads. This feature enables small businesses to leverage the platform as well, without wasting their hard earned money.

Specific Keywords are used by businesses so as to narrow down the target audience further, to ensure that the right people view the ads and no general audience views the ads. There are two ways that these ads can be run on Google — Exact Match Keywords and Phrase Match Keywords. Google also provides the opportunity to choose from a wide list of types of keywords for businesses to understand their audience better.

Why Google Ads is the Right Thing to do?

Businesses often leverage the method of testing to ensure the right execution of the ad copy and other content forms used in ads. Google, like many other digital marketing platforms, provides the opportunity to use the method of A/B Testing or Split testing to analyze and use the more effective kinds of Ad copy.

Running Google Ads is not an easy task. Although it is easily understandable, most businesses still prefer to outsource the Google Ad and digital marketing needs. Outsourcing digital marketing is a cost and time effective method for majority of businesses, be it small scale or medium scale businesses.

